The project finds its motivation in the pressing need to make the current technological development model evolve from the maximization of the economic result towards a more harmonious model that in addition to the economic-financial implications also takes into account human, social and environmental ones.

Within industrial systems, the new digital technologies are a formidable ground of challenge, precisely by virtue of their transformative capacity, their diffusion speed and their pervasiveness, as they interact with these multiple dimensions. And it is just in this context that the project aims to propose new development models and processes capable of accelerating the transition towards industrial systems that are sustainable, inclusive and attentive to individual and collective well-being.

The project proposes a profound transformation of scientific research in the field of industrial and economic-managerial engineering, based on a critical vision of digital technological innovation and its industrial applications, which is able to integrate a profound knowledge of the technological and industrial context with aspects belonging to the economic-managerial, behavioural and, more generally, social sciences disciplines.

The objective is to conduct innovative research that has both scientific impact on one hand and educational and social impact on the other, by sharing the results within academic circles as well as among managers of businesses, organizations, public and private institutions, entrepreneurs, and policy makers.